
You are here :  Chez Pierre >> Money converter

For you :

The currency converter

This converter works in real time.
When you click on the "Convert this amount" button,
a window appears with the most up-to-date result (and some commercials).
Xenon Laboratories and Pierre Gieling cannot be held responsible for eventual errors
(which should normally not occur...).

I want to convert...

Amount :

enter an amount (numbers)

From this currency :

scroll down to see more...

Into this currency :

scroll down to see more ...

By using this service, you accept the agreement.

Service given with the help of  The Universal Currency Converter Services (Xenon Laboratories)

Page créée le 27 septembre 2000 -  Mise à jour le 22 janvier 2001

©opyright 1997-2007 Pierre Gieling - tous droits réservés

